Who have we left out? Let us know and we'll add a link on this page!

Karen Bush

If you really want to know more, check out Karen's website at



Claire Colvin

As well as illustrating books and magazines, Claire takes commissions for animal portraits too - check out some of her work at



A Tale of Two Wippitts

Find out what Karen's two hardworking office assistants get up to in their spare time at 



Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

is the famous London-based (but with branches at Windsor and Brands Hatch too) charity which rescues, reunites pets with their owners where possible, and rehomes when it isn't. Details of the  behaviour advice line plus lots of useful info can be found on the website at  



Do Authors Dream of Electric Books?

Find details of e-books and authors in all genres and to suit all ages at



Dignity Pet Crematorium

is an award winning, independent family-owned pet crematorium - lovely people and a service you can trust. Further details at



Dog Friendly Gardening

Lots of tips and trivia about dogs and gardening plus details of the book of the same title can be found at



Dogs Trust

is the UK's largest dog welfare charity - as well as rescuing and rehoming, it also operates neutering campaigns and various outreach schemes. Find out more at



I heart whippets

Lots of lovely whippet and sighthound goodies which help raise funds for charity



Kim's Home

Find out how you can help support this brilliant small charity at


Sighthounds Online

Friendly forum - advice, chat, fund raising and rescue. Find out more at



Tellington TTouch

The best thing ever since baked liver treats - your dog will love it if you spend a little time doing TTouches with him! And it can also help with all sorts of problems: find out more at


and at



Your Dog

is the leading magazine for dog lovers - it also has a busy and interesting webpage at



scottie dog